Kaleidoscope Table

Jonny Detiger ― Artist
New York, NY, USA
Product & Industrial Carbon
"The main starting point for this table design was an exploration into light and space. I was interested on the impact of light on a object and the space it is in. I like when an object is not just a stationary object but an object that is alive and how it can be transformed by light. I like how an object can change over the coarse of a day and can look different in the morning , the afternoon and at night.
The table is called the kaleidoscopic table because when sunlight hits the table kaleidoscopic rays of light are projected on the surrounding space. The flexible 'panel in groove' design allows the design of the table to be transformed as well. For me important elements in my design are a certain playfulness, an ability to induce happiness and a simplicity of form and functionality. I think all these elements are represented in this design."